D-Link VTA-VR Unlocking Guide

D-Link VTA-VR Unlocking Guide


1.Download link for cyt35.zip : http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,16748441~days=9999~start=40


3.Dowload link for rc4 : http://www.bargainshare.com/index.php?showtopic=87504&st=30&p=735293&# entry735293

4.tftpd32.exe(http://tftpd32.jounin.net/ ) or pumpkin(kin.klever.net/pumpkin/) or solarwinds

5.xmlnotepad.exe for editing xml files (http://www.devhood.com/tools/tool_details.aspx?tool_id=261)

6.ethereal for sniffing packets (www.ethereal.com)

7.putty (ssh telnet client, http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html)

8.Free SIP softphone,http://www.snom.com/snom360softphone.html by far, this is the best free sip softphone, although you may contend x-lite is good

Procedure: Unlocking the DLINK VTA-VR

1.Before you begin, you have downloaded all the tools necessary and MOST IMPORTANTLY, cyt35.zip and rc4.zip from the links shown above.

2.Remove DLINK VTA-VR from the package, connect it to powersupply. Connect
the RJ45 ethernet cable into slot marked “Internet” at the back of the VTA-VR
and insert the other end of the cable to a free port on your router.
Note, your router/cable mode MUST run DHCP server to issue an IP address to the DHCP client on the VTA-VR.

3.You can login to your router or cable modem to check in the DHCP clients table
what IP address has been assigned (trust me, most routers/modems have this table,
you can check the MAC address which is usually of the form 00-01-02-03-04-05,
basically 6 octets). Note down the IP address(lets say and MAC
address (000A020B040D). If it does not begin with 192.168.x.x, then Open
Internet Explorer and typehttp ://ip-address-assigned-by-dhcp-client-to-VTA-VR
and login as user/user. Select“static ip address” and assign an ip address, like to VTA-VR, save and reboot. Now, connect the VTA-VR and
laptop ONLY to a switch. Now, assign a static IP address to your laptop(say and perform a simple “ping” test to ensure that the laptop can ping
the VTA-VR(ping should be successful). Note, make sure that

here are the only 2 connected to the switch since they are both having static ip addresses.

4.After having made sure that your pc and vta-vr are having addresses starting with
192.168.x.x, Open an internet explorer window and type the ip-address of the
VTA-VR and login as user/user – THIS STEP IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. :

Make sure your UNIT "ATA" is disconnected from the internet.  The ATA Must be disconnected from the INTERNET or every time you unlock it, seconds after it will REDOWNLOAD the lock "Provisioning"

5. Logon

6.Scroll down the window and click Submit

7.You are logged in and see the following screen

8. Box firmware - Logon

9.Now, minimize this window and open a DOS WINDOW and change directory to the location where you have extracted cyt35.zip. PLEASE read README.txt first and then come back here to follow the instructions. 10. Assume, that you have extracted cyt35.exe to C:\temp\cyt directory. Open a DOS window and go to C:\temp\cyt directory and type “cyt35 DLINK” and hit enter

10. Assume, that you have extracted cyt35.exe to C:\temp\cyt directory. Open a DOS window and go to C:\temp\cyt directory and type “cyt35 DLINK” and hit enter

11. Run CYT Unlocker.

12. You will see a window like one shown above, Now, we have to let “cyt35” know what is the ipaddress of the VTA-VR. To do that, hit “3” and enter

13. Run CYT Unlocker. Change IP to the box

14. Type ipaddress of the VTA-VR, which is and hit enter

15. Observe, how the IP address of the VTA-VR has changed on the following screen.

Now, you are ready to start UNLOCKING VTA-VR, to do that you have to hit
“1” and enter, before that, another reminder, the internet explorer window where
you had logged in as user/user is still logged in and minimized. Right?

16. CYT Unlocker. Main Menu

17. Now, type“1” andenter. You will see a window like the one shown next…wait… patiently, go drink a cup of coffee and come back….

18. CYT Unlocker

19. Hopefull, the coffee was good and it is roughly 2-3minutes after pressing 1, you
are back to check progress. IF the UNLOCK was successful, you will see the
following screen

20. CYT Unlocker

21. Press“enter” and press“5” to exit. You have successfully unlocked your DLINK VTA-VR. Now what….

End of using CYT Unlocker.

Getting the XML file and customizing it to your favorite ITSP’s

1.Now Restore the internet explorer where you had logged in as user/user and click logout.

2.Now, try to login as Admin/Admin and this is what you should see

Make sure your UNIT "ATA" is disconnected from the internet.  The ATA Must be disconnected from the INTERNET or every time you unlock it, seconds after unlock it will RE-DOWNLOAD the lock "Provisioning"

4.A couple of things,
a.Change the value of “Provisioning Profile Base URL” in the Current
column fromhttp:// to “tftp://” (laptop ip address).
REMEMBER this step. We will get back to this later

b.Delete the value of “Provisioning File Path” in the Current column from “step-2” and leave this field a blank

c.Copy the value of the “Provisioning File Path” in the Default column – this is very very important…store it in a safe place.

d.Copy the Encryption key in the Default column and store it in a safe place. You will need the values from steps c and d in a short while e.Once you have done all of the above, click Apply.

5.Now, Open a DOS window and go to a directory, lets say C:\temp\cyt(our staging area for files and what not) and type the following command,

tftp -i ti.tftp.vonage.net GET /I8H41Z/ti000A020B040D.xml
This command retrieves the XML file associated with your adapter from the Vonage site.

Note, from above that I8H41Z(retrieved from step 4c) is the folder on the site where the file for the adapter with MAC address, 000A020B040D sits.

6.Trust, you have already downloaded rc4.exe which will Decrypt the thusly
downloaded encrypted xml file. To decrypt this, the value from step 4d from
above will be helpful

7.4.1 Before executing the RC4 command below, the titi000A020B040D.xml has to have the "Read Only" and "Archive" flags switched off. Right click on the file
in Windows, Go to Properties and uncheck the boxes for "Read Only" and
Attribute" OR from the "cmd" type
c:\>attrib -r -a titi0 0 0 A0 2 0 B0 4 0 D.xml

8.Now, download RC4 and run it from the command line as below: c:\>rc4 YourLongKeyFromStep4dti000A020B040D.xml output.xml

9.Voila! You're done. Theoutput.xml will contain the decrypted stuff from ti000A020B040D.xml 10.Make a copy of both the files and rename output.xml asti000A020B040D.xml

11. Using XMLNotepad.exe, open the file and edit away to glory. Make all the
changes necessary for the desired service provider. Your file is ready for being
read by the DLINK VTA-VR.

12. If you remember, in step 4a, we set the new location from where the DLINK
VTA-VR would load the XML file. Now, double-click on tftpd32.exe and click
browse and point it to the directory which housesti000A020B040D.xmlwhich
you have edited and is ready!!!

13. TFTP access

14. Go back to the internet explorer window and Click Save and Reboot and restart
the DLINK VTA-VR. The VTA-VR will reboot and restart reading the XML file
from the new location. To that effect, you will see 3 lines of output in the small
window of the tftpd32.exe. This will tell you the name of the
file(ti000A020B040D.xml case in point)

15. Now, the power led and internet led must be solid green and if everything was
right with your configuration, the line1 or line2 where you may have connected an
analog phone would also be solid green.

16. These configs were changed by me and which helped me immensely, from a working version which registers phone line1 with my asterisk server at home and phone line 2 is deliberately not set to
xx-begin-xx <provision version="2"> <options> <reconfig>
<firmware>+YOURMACADDRESSHERE/VTA-11.4.0-r060331-1.00.07- r060418.img</firmware>

profileurl&gt;tftp:// <imageurl></imageurl> <tftp></tftp>
<dns1></dns1> <dns2></dns2>
<sntp>time.windows.com</sntp> <tikeypub></tikeypub></settings></provision>


1 comment:

  1. At a point where it says "Reboot" could you please add what is to be rebooted? This is not something that is intuitive. Thank you.
